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MtxVec VCL
TOpenCLMtxVec.DotProd Method (TOpenCLMtxVec)

Scalar product of two real arrays.

function DotProd(const Vec: TOpenCLMtxVec): double; overload;

Calculates the dot product (scalar value) of the calling object and Vec object and returns a real scalar value. The dot product is defined by the equation: 


Both objects must be of equal size. If they are not, the method will return the dot product of the largest sub-array.

var a,b: TOpenCLVector; prod: double; begin CreateIt(a,b); try a.CopyFromAray(TDoubleArray.Create(1,2,3,4)); b.CopyFromAray(TDoubleArray.Create(5,6,7,8)); prod := a.DotProd(b); // = 1*5 + 2*6 + * 3*7 + 4*8 finally FreeIt(a,b); end; end;
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