You are here: Symbol Reference > clMtxVec Namespace > Classes > TOpenCLVector Class > public
MtxVec VCL

The public members of the TOpenCLVector class are listed here.

This is Assign, a member of class TOpenCLVector. 
The difference between two succesive vector elements. 
Downsamples vector values. 
The norm of a vector. 
This is the overview for the Ramp method overload. 
This is Reset, a member of class TOpenCLVector. 
This is the overview for the Reverse method overload. 
A cyclic shift on vector elements. 
Resets any defined subrange. 
This is SetIt, a member of class TOpenCLVector. 
This is the overview for the SetSubIndex method overload. 
This is the overview for the SetSubRange method overload. 
Shift vector elements left or right in the array. 
This is the overview for the Size method overload. 
Inserts zeroes between consecutive vector values. 
This is the overview for the ValuesToStrings method overload. 
This is the overview for the ValuesToText method overload. 
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