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MatrixInt.SaveToFile Method

Write object header and values to a file.

procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string; const Append: boolean = False);

Write the header describing the calling object and the values array of the calling object to the file, specified by the FileName. If the file already exist, the data is overwritten by default. If Append is True, the data is appended to the end of the file. The data is always saved with IntPrecision precision.

It is recommended you use a *.mtx extension when you're saving/loading matrix to/from file. Similarly, you can use a *.Vec extension when you're saving/loading vector to/from file.

LoadFromFile, SaveToStream, LoadFromStream

var Mtx: TMtxInt; begin CreateIt(Mtx); try Mtx.SetIt(2,2,[3,1,-1,5]); Mtx.SaveToFile('c:test.mtx'); // Write info and header for Mtx to file finally FreeIt(Mtx); end; end;
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