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MtxVec VCL
Matrix.Toeplitz Method (TVec, TVec)

Constructs a Toeplitz matrix.

function Toeplitz(FirstRow: TVec; FirstCol: TVec): TMtx; overload;

Constructs a Toeplitz matrix with first row equal to FirstRow vector and first column equal to FirstCol vector, but without the first element. The Rows, Cols and Complex properties of the calling matrix are adjusted automatically. An exception is raised if FirstRow and FirstCol Complex properties do not match.

var V1,V2: Vector; T: Matrix; begin V1.SetIt(False,[1,2,3,4]); V2.SetIt(False,[2,3,4]); T.Toeplitz(V1,V2); // T becomes: //[1 2 3 4] //[2 1 2 3] //[3 2 1 2] //[4 3 2 1] end;
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