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MtxVec VCL
Vector.NormL1 Method (TDenseMtxVec, boolean)

The L1-norm.

function NormL1(const Vec: TDenseMtxVec; RelativeError: boolean = False): double; overload;

Calculates the L1 norm : ||V-Vec||, where V is calling vector. If the NormL1 is called without any parameters, the NormL1 calculates the norm of calling vector. The L1 norm of ||V-Vec|| is defined by the formula: 


If RelativeError is true then the computed norm is divided by the norm of V, and the function returns the "relative error": 


var a,b: Vector; c: double; begin a.SetIt(False,[1,2,3,4]); b.SetIt(False,[4,3,2,1]); c := a.NormL1(b,True); end;
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