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MtxVec VCL
Vector.SaveToStream Method

Writes the header information and the Values content to a stream.

procedure SaveToStream(const Dst: TStream); overload;

Writes the header information and the Values content to a DstStream stream. Number type is defined by the Precision parameter. Rounding defines the rounding for integer types. When saving double precision as single precision, all overflows are saved as INF (-INF). When saving to integer types all overflows are clipped. Attempt to save single precision as double precision will raise an exception.

var b: Vector; AStream: TFileStream; begin b.SetIt(False,[0,0,1,3,2]); AStream := TFileStream.Create('C:test.Vec',fmCreate); try b.SaveToStream(AStream); // Write info and header for b finally AStream.Free; end end;
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