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MtxIntDiff.QuadGauss Function

Numerical integration by using regular Gaussian quadrature scheme.

function QuadGauss(Fun: TRealFunction; lb: double; ub: double; const BasePoints: TVec; const Weights: TVec; Parts: Integer): double; overload;

the numerical approximate on integral of function Fun between limits lb and ub.

Check the following link to learn more about this algorithm

Evaluate fuction Sin(x)*Exp(-x^2) on interval -PI/2, PI.

Uses MtxExpr, Math387, MtxIntDiff; // Integrating function function IntFunc(const Parameters: TVec; const Constants: TVec; const ObjConst: Array of TObject): double; var x: double; begin x := Parameters[0]; IntFunc := Sin(x)*Exp(-x*x); end; // Integrate procedure DoIntegrate; var bpoints,weights: Vector; area: double; begin WeightsGauss(10,bpoints,weights); area := QuadGauss(IntFunc,-0.5*PI,PI,bpoints,weights,64); end;
#include "MtxExpr.hpp" #include "Math387.hpp" #include "MtxIntDiff.hpp" // Integrating function double __fastcall IntFun(TVec* const Parameters, TVec* const Constants, System::TObject* const * ObjConst, const int ObjConst_Size) { double x = (*Parameters)[0]; return Math.Sin(x)*Math.Exp(-x*x); } void __fastcall Example(); { sVector bpoints, weights; WeightsGauss(10,bpoints,weights); double area = QuadGauss(IntFun,-0.5*PI,PI,bpoints,weights,64); }
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