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MtxVec VCL
TMtxInt.StringsToValues Method (TStrings, string)

Convert strings to integers and store them in the Values array.

function StringsToValues(aList: TStrings; const Delimiter: string = kTab): TMtxInt; overload;

Convert strings in aList to integers and store them in to the IValues/SValues/BValues array of the calling matrix. Rows property is set to aList.Count. IntPrecision and Cols propertes are auto-detected. Columns must be separated with a Delimiter. By default the delimiter is the tab charachter.

var a,b: TMtxInt; begin CreateIt(a,b); try a.SetIt(2,2,[1,2,3,4]); a.Cos; b.Size(a); b.SetVal(1); a.Add(b); Richedit1.Clear; Memo1.Clear; a.ValuesToStrings(Richedit1.Lines); b.ValuesToStrings(Richedit1.Lines); a.ValuesToStrings(Memo1.Lines); b.ValuesToStrings(Memo1.Lines); Memo1.Lines.SaveToFile('C:Test.txt'); Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile('C:Test.txt'); a.StringsToValues(Memo1.Lines); finally FreeIt(a,b); end; end;
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