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MtxVec VCL
MtxVecTee.DrawIt Function

Shows form with chart and array of fastline series - one for each vector in A array of vectors.

procedure DrawIt(const A: array of TVec; const SeriesCaptions: array of string; Caption: string = ''; PixelDownSample: boolean = false); overload;

Sets series Title(s) to strings in SeriesCaptions. Set form caption to Caption string. If PixelDownSample paramter is True, then DrawIt will automatically use PixelDownSample method for all series to reduce the number of points displayed (much faster display). 


Uses ..., MtxVecTee; var y1,y2,y3: TVec; begin // ... y1.LoadFromFile('d:tempdata1.Vec'); y2.LoadFromFile('d:tempdata2.Vec'); y3.LoadFromFile('d:tempdata3.Vec'); DrawIt([y1,y2,y3],['y1 data', 'y2 data', 'y3 data'], "Showing data...",false); end;


#include "MtxExpr.hpp" #include "MtxVecTee.hpp" ... sVector y1,y2,y3; // ... y1.LoadFromFile("d:\temp\data1.Vec"); y2.LoadFromFile("d:\temp\data2.Vec"); y3.LoadFromFile("d:\temp\data3.Vec"); DrawIt(OPENARRAY(TVec*,(y1,y2,y3)), OPENARRAY(AnsiString,("y1 data", "y2 data", "y3 data")),"Showing data...",false); ..
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