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MtxVec VCL
TMtxVecIntHelper.FindAndSplit Method (TMtxVec, string, TMtxVec, TVec, TVec)

Finds the masks for a vector and splits it.

function FindAndSplit(const a: TMtxVec; const op: string; const b: TMtxVec; const MaskVec: TVec; const NotMaskVec: TVec): TMtxVecInt; overload;

The method splits the a vector in two vectors. The MaskVec will hold the those elements where the Op comparison between a and b is True. Op string parameter can be < , > , >= , <= , = or <> . NotMaksVec will hold all those elements where the Op comparison between a and b is false. 

The calling vector will store the mask, 1 at those index locations where the Op comparison was True and 0 at those index locations where the Op comparison was false.

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