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MtxVec VCL
TMtx.Eig Method (TMtx, TVec, TMTx, TMTxType, TVectorForm, boolean)

Calculate the calling matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

function Eig(const VL: TMtx; const D: TVec; const VR: TMTx = nil; MtxType: TMTxType = mtGeneral; VectorForm: TVectorForm = vfEig; aExpand: boolean = True): TMtx; overload;

Store the eigenvalues in the vector D. The Complex and Length properties of the vector D are adjusted automatically. If VectorForm is vfEig, store the left eigenvectors in matrix VL and the right eigenvectors in the matrix VR. Either of the eigenvector matrices VL and VR can be nil to indicate that they are not required. If the are both nil, an exception is raised. In case of symmetric matrices only VL is checked. The computed eigenvectors are normalized to have Euclidean norm equal to 1 and largest component real and are stored in the columns of the VL and VR matrices. If VectorForm is vfSchur, it will store the real T form in the matrix VL and the eigenvectors Z in the matrix VR. VR can be nil, to indicate that eigenvectors are not required. If VL is nil an exception is raised. The Rows, Cols and Complex properties of matrices VR and VL are adjusted automatically. The MtxType parameter specifies the calling matrix type. If MtxType parameter is omitted, the default value mtGeneral (general matrix) will be used, but for symmetric matrices the matrix type has to be specified explicitly, because the algorithm for general matrices will fail on the symmetric matrix.

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