You are here: Symbol Reference > MtxVec Namespace > Classes > TMtx Class > public > Equal Method > TMtx.Equal Method (TMtx, double)
MtxVec VCL
TMtx.Equal Method (TMtx, double)

Compares two matrices.

function Equal(const Mtx: TMtx; Tolerance: double = 0): boolean; overload;

Compares Mtx with the calling matrix and returns true if the matrices are equal (if all elements match in position and value). Tolerance defines the comparison tolerance. The maximum difference between elements may not exceed: +/-Tolerance. If Tolerance is omitted, a direct comparison algorithm is used.

var A,B: TMtx; c: boolean; begin CreateIt(A,B); try A.SetIt(2,2,false,[1,2, 2,4]); // 2x2, real matrix B.SetIt(2,2,false,[1,2, 2,4]); // 2x2, real matrix c := A.Equal(B,1e-8); // Check for differences bigger than 0.00000001 c := A.Equal(B); // Check for an exact match finally FreeIt(A,B); end; end;
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