You are here: Symbol Reference > MtxVec Namespace > Classes > TMtx Class > public > Size Method > TMtx.Size Method (integer, integer, TMtxFloatPrecision)
MtxVec VCL
TMtx.Size Method (integer, integer, TMtxFloatPrecision)

Sets the size of matrix.

function Size(ARows: integer; ACols: integer; aFloatPrecision: TMtxFloatPrecision): TMtx; overload;

Set the calling matrix properties:


If the aFloatPrecision parameter is omitted, the default value mvDouble is used. Calling the Size method does not preserve the contents of the matrix. Use the Resize method, if you want to preserve existing values.

The Size method performs an out-of-memory safe resize, if the matrix already has memory allocated. This prevents out of memory message for example when redefining the size of the matrix from single column to single row.

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