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MtxVec VCL
TVec.Diag Method

Copies the k-th diagonal from the TMtx object.

function Diag(const Mtx: TMtx; k: integer): TVec;

Copies the k-th diagonal from the TMtx object. If k = 0 then the main diagonal is copied, if k < 0 then the subdiagonal is copied and if k > 0 then the k-th super diagonal is copied to the calling vector.

In the following example we setup a matrix, populate it with values and then extract it's main diagonal to a vector.

var a: TVec; d: TMtx; begin CreateIt(a); CreateIt(d); try // setup matrix d.SetIt(2,2,False,[1,-2, 3, 4]); // get main diagonal from matrix a.Diag(d,0); // a now containes [1,4]; finally FreeIt(a); FreeIt(d); end; end;
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