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MtxVec VCL
TVec.ValuesToStrings Method (TStrings, TFixedTextAlign, string, string, boolean)

Converts the content of the Values array of the calling vector to a list of strings.

procedure ValuesToStrings(const aList: TStrings; const Align: TFixedTextAlign = ftaNone; const ReFormat: string = ' 0.#####;-0.#####'; const ImFormat: string = '+0.#####i;-0.#####i'; const Headers: boolean = false); overload;

Converts all elements of the calling vector to strings with formating ReFormat for the real part and ImFormat for the imaginary part and stores them in aList, by using the Add method of TStringsobject. If vector is not complex only the ReFormat is used.

Complex numbers are formated by default as: a+bi. You can have any formating by specifying the ReFormat and ImFormat parameters, but in order for the StringsToValues to work, the basic a+bi formating must be preserved - (chars '+' (' - ') and 'i' ).

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var a,b: TVec; begin CreateIt(a,b); try a.SetIt(False,[1,2,3,4]); a.Cos; b.Size(a); b.SetVal(1); a.Add(b); Richedit1.Clear; Memo1.Clear; a.ValuesToStrings(Richedit1.Lines); b.ValuesToStrings(Richedit1.Lines); a.ValuesToStrings(Memo1.Lines); b.ValuesToStrings(Memo1.Lines); Memo1.Lines.SaveToFile('C:Test.txt'); Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile('C:Test.txt'); a.StringsToValues(Memo1.Lines); finally FreeIt(a,b); end; end;
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