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SpecialFuncs.Biry Function

Airy function of the second kind or it's derivative (Complex argument, allows derivative or scale.

function Biry(Z: TCplx; Derive: boolean; Scale: boolean; var Error: integer): TCplx; overload;
Function independant variable, complex value. 
If true, function will return Airy (BI) derivative instead of the actual Airy (BI) function. 
If true, result function (BI) or it's derivative is scaled by Exp(-|z|*|z|), where z = z = (2/3)*(Z)^(3/2) 
Returns error code after the calculation. Return values are:
  • 0, Normal return - Computation completed.
  • 1, input error - no computation.
  • 2, overflow - no computation; dreal(zta)- too large with Scaling=false.
  • 3, zabs(z) large - computation completed. Losses of signifcance by argument reduction produce less than half of machine accuracy.
  • 4, zabs(z) too large - no computation; complete loss of accuracy by argument reduction.
  • 5, error - no computation; algorithm termination condition not met.

If Derive is false, it will return Airy function of the second kind (BI).

If Derive is true, it will return derivative of Airy function of the second kind (BI). Additionaly, if Scale is true, result is additionaly multiplied by factor (see above).

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