You are here: Symbol Reference > Sparse Namespace > Classes > TSparseMtx Class > public
MtxVec VCL

The public members of the TSparseMtx class are listed here.

This is Ai, a member of class TSparseMtx. 
This is Ap, a member of class TSparseMtx. 
This is Control, a member of class TSparseMtx. 
This is Info, a member of class TSparseMtx. 
This is SControl, a member of class TSparseMtx. 
This is SInfo, a member of class TSparseMtx. 
This is the overview for the Add method overload. 
This is the overview for the AddSplit method overload. 
Adjungate operation. 
Converts banded matrix to modified compressed column sparse matrix format. 
Conjugate Sparse2 and matrix multiply it with Sparse1. 
Copies sparse matrix from Src to the calling object. 
Copies sparse matrix from Src to the calling object. 
Convert dense matrix to sparse matrix format. 
Copies the kk-th diagonal of TSparseMtx to the Vec object. 
Calculates the number of diagonals above and below main diagonal. 
Divide individual elements of sparse matrices. 
Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors for symmetric (hermitian) sparse matrix.  
Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors for generalized symmetric (hermitian) sparse problem.  
This is the overview for the Equal method overload. 
Form a full symmetric matrix from upper half with diagonal included. 
Frees the numeric object used by the Umfpack. 
Frees the memory of the Pardiso solver. 
Frees the symbolic object used by the Umfpack. 
Releases factorization stored by taucs. 
The inverse matrix. 
Compares matrix size. 
Loads the matrix stored in a matrix market file format. 
Extract lower part of the Mtx. 
Maximum of all non-zero elements. 
Maximum of all non-zero complex elements. 
Average of all non-zero elements. 
Average of all non-zero complex elements. 
Minimum of all non-zero elements. 
Minimum of all non-zero complex elements. 
Multiply two sparse matrices (matrix multiplication). 
This is the overview for the MulLeft method overload. 
This is the overview for the MulRight method overload. 
Reduces dense matrix for screen display (bitmap) to show the non-zero pattern. 
Creates quadratic non-complex non-singular sparse matrix. 
The residual norm of the solution of the system of linear equations A*X=B. 
Resizes the sparse matrix to a new number of non-zeros. 
Root mean squared of all non-zero elements. 
Saves the matrix in matrix market file format. 
This is the overview for the Size method overload. 
This is the overview for the Solve method overload. 
This is the overview for the SolveIterative method overload. 
Convert sparse matrix to banded matrix. 
Convert sparse matrix to banded matrix. 
This is the overview for the SparseToTriplets method overload. 
Split sparse matrix into lower triangle, main diagonal and upper triangle. 
Convert strings to specific matrix format. 
Required by Pardiso solver to solve for general matrices. 
Subract two sparse matrices. 
This is the overview for the Transp method overload. 
This is the overview for the TripletsToSparse method overload. 
Construct a sparse matrix by specifying the position of each element in dense matrix. 
Extract upper part of the Mtx. 
Convert matrix values to strings. 
Reduces the number of non-zeros. 
Returns the number of actual iterations performed by Solve
Holds the backward or iterative stopping criteria. 
Allows setting and getting double precision complex values. 
Holds the error string, if an error has occurred. 
Allows setting and getting single precision complex values. 
Defines the pattern used when solving a system of linear equations. 
Allows setting and single precision values. 
Allows setting and getting value at position Row and Col. 
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