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MtxVec VCL
TSparseMtx.SparseToBanded Method

Convert sparse matrix to banded matrix.

procedure SparseToBanded(const Dst: TMtx; MaxElemCount: integer = 10000000);

Convert calling matrix, stored in HB sparse matrix format, to banded matrix format. The result (banded matrix format) is stored in Dst matrix. The size and complex properties of Dst matrix are adjusted automatically.

Step 1: construct banded matrix 


var subDiag, SupDiag,MainDiag: Vector; A: Matrix; begin SubDiag.Size(4); SuperDiag.Size(4); MainDiag.Size(4); A.Size(3,4); A.SubDiag := 1; // one subdiagonal A.SuperDiag := 1; // one superdiagonal SubDiag.SetIt([0,1,3,2]); SupDiag.SetIt([-1,2,7,0]); MainDiag.SetIt([2,3,5,1]); A.SetRow(SupDiag,0); A.SetRow(MainDiag,1); A.SetRow(SubDiag,2); end;


Step 2: convert banded matrix to sparse matrix: 


SparseA.BandedToSparse(A); end;
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